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Script to get the conversation started:
Mr. (or Ms.) ____________, I am ____________ [your
name]. I was referred to you by Mr. (or Ms.)
_______________. The only reason I am here today is to
find out more about your business [or practice]. I want to
reassure you that I am not going to ask you to buy
anything today. Until I know more about your business, I
don t know if I can help you in a cost-effective way. I am
only going to take 15 minutes of your time today. Would
that be alright with you?
Sample questions you can ask:
Are you interested in getting more customers [or clients or
Copyright 2011 by The JSH Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
How do you get most of your new
customers/clients/patients now?
What marketing tactics are you using now?
What is working well?
What is not working?
Do you communicate with your current customers on a
regular basis? If yes: How do you do that?
How many customers/clients/patients do you currently
Do you have a customer acquisition goal?
Can you give me an idea of your marketing budget each
Are you planning to increase it in the next few months?
Your job is to ask questions and then listen and take
notes. Don t make it sound like an interrogation. You are
 interviewing your prospect, trying to get information in a
relaxed setting. But you need to do it by keeping the
Copyright 2011 by The JSH Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
conversation moving, since you only have 15 minutes.
Even if the prospect says he has more time available, end
the conversation when you said you would . That will help
to build trust with your prospect and show that you do
what you say you will do.
At the end of 15 minutes, say:
Mr. [or Ms.] _________, thank you for your time. I have
learned a lot today. What I need to do next is to review
this information, and if I feel that I can help you achieve
your goals, I would like to come back with a short
presentation about how we can do that. Is next ________
[day of week] at __________ [time] a good time for you?
[If it s not a good time, then find one.]
Why don t you give me your email address and I will
confirm that time in the next couple of days when I am
certain that I have a solution that will help you.
Don t forget to follow-up with an email to confirm. You
should also send a reminder email a couple of days before
the meeting, and call to confirm on the day of the meeting.
If the meeting is early in the morning, call the afternoon
before to confirm.
Copyright 2011 by The JSH Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
How to Make This a  Push Button Model
Set up systems where there are clear instructions at
each step and then make sure that there is an easy
hand-off to the next step.
1. Outsource your lead generation and pay someone on
a commission basis to contact the business owners
and send you the warm leads. You then set up the
initial meeting and take it from there.
2. You can offer referral fees for leads, and then have a
virtual assistant or sales partner follow up.
3. Outsource the entire client interface to a sales partner
on a part-time basis for a portion of the profit from
each sale. However, it is important that the sales
partner only know one side of the transaction and not
acquire enough information to eliminate you from the
4. Let the list owner determine his own offer to be
presented to the reciprocal list. While it is better for
you to add additional value here, you don t have to do
Copyright 2011 by The JSH Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
5. Let each list owner be responsible for the mailing to
his own list. You can have a Virtual Assistant
coordinate the exchange of the offers for the mailing
and offer support and troubleshooting when
necessary. You are called only when a significant
problem arises.
6. Automate your billing with a credit card payment or
billing on a particular date through your virtual
assistant. Also, accounts should be reviewed on a
specific date to verify that payment has been received
and there are no unresolved issues that need to be
addressed that would affect the reciprocal mailing.
Copyright 2011 by The JSH Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
http://www.SimpleOfflineBusinessMagnets.com [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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