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on Sundays.
R Wendy, how was your date with
W Gorgeous! We had dinner, looked at the
stars, walked along the river...
R Walked? Looked at the stars? Was that
W Of course not! Michael kissed me after
we stopped walking.
R Oh 
H Could you find the Robson files, Laura?
G No, Bob. I searched for them but
couldn't see them anywhere.
H Did you look everywhere?
G Yes. I checked all the drawers and
looked into every folder.
H That's too bad. Where could they be?
G I don't know. I'm not a detective!
Basic Business Agenda by Andrew D. Miles & English for Business
www.barcelonaenglish.com www.madridenglish.net www.englishphone.biz
Pronunciation of verbs in past 4ð
Compounds with anybðoðsðyð4ð
Basic Business Agenda by Andrew D. Miles & English for Business
www.barcelonaenglish.com www.madridenglish.net www.englishphone.biz
58 Procedures
Virginia and Guy work at a government research
laboratory. They are in charge of closing the premises
after every other employee leaves. Today they're
following their everyday routine.
V First of all we must check whether Delta
batteries have enough power to last all
G Right. Power level at 100 %. Checked.
V Correct. Then we must control the
oxygen level of tanks nine and seven.
G Let's see...both gauges mark full supply.
V Excellent. The third step is to set the timer
on the vaults. Have you done that?
G Not yet. But we can either do it now or
just before we leave.
V Sorry Guy, but procedures are
procedures. Please set the timers now.
G All right.
G Shall I test the alarm system now?
V No. I've already tested it.
V Fine. Have you turned all lights off?
G Done. Only mains are on. I turned the
rest off.
V OK. That's almost all of our procedure for
today. I guess we can go home now.
G Agreed. Could you please lock up? I left
my key in the car.
V Of course. Let's see  Oh!
G What's wrong?
V I ve also forgotten my key!
Basic Business Agenda by Andrew D. Miles & English for Business
www.barcelonaenglish.com www.madridenglish.net www.englishphone.biz
Saying yes 4ð

Basic Business Agenda by Andrew D. Miles & English for Business
www.barcelonaenglish.com www.madridenglish.net www.englishphone.biz
59 Negotiation
Jack is a young employee at Motorway Inc. He is
travelling to Australia on business. His boss is giving him
some practical advice.
B Have you already asked Kitty for some
Australian dollars, Jack?
J No, I haven't. I thought I could change
my pounds at either a bank.
B Yes. But you'll arrive in Sydney at 11pm.
Neither banks nor exchange houses will
be open!
J You're right, sir. I didn't think about that!
B You must always think, boy. Remember
that you'll be on business, not on holiday!
J Certainly, sir. Now, must I wear a suit for
the meetings?
B Of course you must wear a suit! Dark suit
 either grey or blue  white shirt or
matching silk tie.
J I have neither a blue nor a grey suit. Must
I buy one?
B Definitely. Now, listen carefully.
J Right, sir. I'm listening.
B Our company needs this contract. We
must have it. But we want neither the
Australian government nor our
competitors to know that. Do you
J Yes, sir.
B So you must negotiate very carefully.
You mustn't give the Australians too
much information...
J Fine, sir.
B ...but you must give them enough for
them to be interested in our project.
Basic Business Agenda by Andrew D. Miles & English for Business
www.barcelonaenglish.com www.madridenglish.net www.englishphone.biz
Must 4ð
Either & neitherrð4ð
Basic Business Agenda by Andrew D. Miles & English for Business
www.barcelonaenglish.com www.madridenglish.net www.englishphone.biz
60 Saying No
Lindsay Arrow is a head-hunter. She is currently
looking for a new manager for a bank. She's phoning
some people she knows.
A Adam Apple speaking.
L Hi, Adam. It's Lindsay Arrow.
A Hello, Lindsay. What can I do for you?
L Well, I'm looking for somebody for a
managerial post at the G&G bank. I
thought you would be the ideal
A Thanks, but I'm not really keen on
changing jobs right away.
L Aren't you? But it's a challenging position!
A In fact, I'm not interested at all.
L And the salary's excellent...
A Please don't insist. It's impossible for me to
change jobs now. Thanks for phoning,
anyway. So long, Lindsay.
R Hello.
L Robert, is that you?
R Yes, who's calling?
L Lindsay.
R Lindsay? Is it Lindsay Moon, from CGS?
L No. It's Lindsay Arrow. Don't you
remember me?
R I'm afraid not. What is it about?
L Well, I'm in charge of a search...
R Fine. But I'd rather not work for CGS.
L Sorry? But I'm not from CGS. I'm a head-
R Oh, yes. Lindsay Arrow. The head-hunter.
Well, thanks for phoning, but a new job is
out of the question for me. Bye. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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