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Toshi remained silent the entire ride back to Imoru s apartment building. Now that this mystery had
been solved, Toshi was left alone with his own mystery. And the one person who could give him
answers was sitting next to him.
A short while later, Natsuka pulled up to the curb in front of Tokuma s building. Toshi got out,
assisted Tokuma from the car, and led him up the front walk to the glass doors.
At the entrance, Tokuma turned to him. The elderly man s eyes were still glowing with relief. He
bowed low to Toshi.  I ll never be able to repay you for what you ve done, Toshiro-san, he said
when he d straightened.  I feel like you ve given me my life back.
Toshi bowed to him.  There is no need for repayment, Imoru-san. I was honored to help you.
Tokuma nodded.  You are truly like your uncle. However, if there is ever any way I can be of
service, please& 
Toshi s stomach jumped. Here was his chance to know the truth.
Tokuma turned to him.
 There is& one thing.
 What is it? Anything.
 Could you& do you know why& my uncle kept you a secret all this time? Toshi gestured toward
him.  I mean, of course, I knew you existed. You gave my uncle that beautiful Noh kimono. But
other than that, he never told me anything.
Tokuma s eyes misted over and a look of pain clouded his refined features. He nodded.  Yes, I do
know. He gestured to a small garden that bordered the front walk of the building. At the edge of
the raked gravel and bonsai garden was a bench.  Please sit and I ll tell you everything.
Beautiful Samurai, White Tiger
Tokyo, 1984
Tokuma s head was still spinning, and had been the entire cab ride from his sister and brother-in-
law s house to his apartment.
Never had he experienced anything like this, like seeing his infant nephew for the first time. Those
large dark eyes had gazed up at him with innocence and trust and Tokuma had been unable to deny
the immediate bond he had with the child.
It only made Tokuma s soul burn with shame, deep shame at the way he d treated Musashi for the
last six years. Oh dear! He wished he could take back every word of anger he d said to Musashi
since his lover had said he needed to move out, back to his brother s home. Tokuma winced over
every time he d thrown an admirer from the theater into Musashi s face, trying to frighten Musashi
and make him jealous whether Tokuma had actually slept with the person or not. There was only
one word for how he had behaved towards the man he loved. Monstrous.
The cab pulled up to the curb in front of Tokuma s building. Tokuma had asked Musashi to meet
him here. Now Tokuma understood how fortunate he d been every time Musashi had agreed to
meet him and had shown up. Musashi would have been perfectly in his rights never to spend
another moment in his lover s presence.
Tokuma s heart raced the entire way up to his apartment. Slowly he opened the door. What would
he find? Exhilaration at Musashi s presence and then the shame that would flood him at the sight of
the man he d tormented for six years? Or the heart-rending disappointment at Musashi s absence
along with the knowledge he d finally gotten the abandonment he well deserved?
Tokuma held his breath as he stepped in. The foyer seemed a long dark tunnel today, yet he
couldn t keep from rushing to the end to see&
Musashi. He was there, sitting on the living room sofa. He rose when their gazes met.
Tokuma couldn t help the smile that stretched his face in spite of his revelation.  Musashi! You re
Musashi smiled, though the smile did not reach his sad eyes.  Of course I m here. Why wouldn t I
be here?
Tokuma rushed over to him and grabbed him into a hug.  Because I ve been monstrous with you.
I ve treated you so horribly. I m ashamed. To his joy, he felt Musashi s arms close around him.
Musashi didn t say anything, but when they finally pulled apart, his brow was furrowed.  I don t
Sedonia Guillone
understand? Didn t you see your new nephew?
Tokuma grasped Musashi s hands and tugged him back down to the sofa. He told his lover about
Yuzo and about what he d seen. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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