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in a three-piece suit. Even fully clothed his large hands made a woman want to
discover what was beneath all that material.
Another growl in her head brought her back to why she was here.  Hell,
yes, I know what came over me, six feet of dirt.
 Pardon? Montague stopped short, dropping his hand to his side.
 Yeah, as if you didn t know your goons buried me six feet under night
before last in one of the oldest cemeteries in New Orleans.
Montague s eyes widened slightly. Disbelief or was it concern furrowed
his brows. As quickly as it appeared, it was gone.
Man, this guy was good. For a moment, Charlee thought she d surprised
him. That he knew nothing about what happened to her several nights ago.
Casually, he glanced around at the people beginning to take notice as she
spoke none too quietly. He walked back to her chair and held it. His voice
dropped dangerously low.  Perhaps we can talk calmly about this. The waiter
approached, setting their watercress salads before them on the table, then
looked to Montague for permission to leave. Montague nodded and the waiter
turned and departed.
Montague had ripped a woman s throat out and he asked her to converse
Mackenzie McKade
 Do as he requests, ma petite guerrier. I will be there as soon as I can. You
will be safe within the restaurant. She closed her eyes and attempted to shake
the voice from her head.
 Devin, she whispered, opening her eyes to a drop-dead-sexy smile.
 Jacque, Montague corrected, waving a hand over her chair.  Now please,
Miss Madison, won t you take a seat.
Another warning growl erupted in her head.
 Yeah. Yeah. Back off, Devin. I can handle this. I don t want you here. She
sat, making sure Montague s hand did not brush her bare shoulder. She had
struggled with what to wear. A short red evening dress with spaghetti straps
was her choice. Surely, the man wasn t fool enough to attack her in front of a
group of people. The derringer she had placed in her matching clutch purse,
which was setting on the table, would take care of the rest.
 Ah, but your body does. Devin s sexy voice interrupted her thoughts.
 What? she blurted as an image of her and Devin fucking popped into her
head. Before Montague could respond to her outburst, she brushed him off
with a quick movement of her fingers.
 Your body misses me wants me there. Damn if Devin s voice didn t make
her nipples pucker, drawing Montague s eyes breast level. The heat of his gaze
and Devin s voice was a stimulus. The hair across her arms rose with
anticipation as Devin continued.  Do you not miss my touch, my caress, my
kiss? he hissed, dragging out the  s and turning her bones to jelly as
Montague stroked her body with his hot gaze.
She d dreamed of this. She briefly closed her eyes. Two men at once.
Damn. Damn. Damn. Devin was a stranger a kidnapper in fact. Still it was
true. She did miss everything about him. Not to mention the wrong signals
Montague was picking up were making this situation even more bizarre and
Six Feet Under
Satisfied male laughter filled her head.  It is as I thought. You desire a
ménage. But it will not be with this man.
Well crap! It must be the hit she took to the head that made her act out of
sorts. She reached to touch the spot where she remembered seeing stitches.
Nothing nowhere.
Frantically she moved her fingers over her face, searching for the wound
she knew should be there, but wasn t. She jerked her hands in front of her,
gasping at her torn fingers that had already mended. Yes, she remembered
seeing them healed back at her house, but Gloria, the cops& there had been no
time to question how this was possible.
 Perhaps we should talk another time. Montague searched her face as if he
thought she might have taken a walk right off a short cliff.
Damn, the man must think I m nuttier than a fruitcake.
 No-no, if you could just excuse me for a moment, she said, already rising
to her feet.
He stood and nodded. Dark brown eyes followed her every move from the
table to the restroom, making her self-conscious.
As the bathroom door swung shut, whacking her in the ass and pushing
her forward, Charlee grumbled,  Shut the fuck up and stay out of my head.
 Excuse me, a little gray haired woman said as she finished drying her
hands. Her rheumy eyes widened, her wrinkled lips puckered with insult. With
a jerk, she tossed the towel into the wastebasket.
 Ma petite, I think you have offended the woman.
 I said, shut up.
 Well, I never, the woman huffed and pushed through the door.
 I bet you haven t either. Rude yes, but dammit, this freaky ass way of
talking was getting the better of Charlee.  All right, how are you doing that?
And how did you know someone else was speaking to me?
 Because we are one.
Mackenzie McKade
She snorted,  Bullshit!
 I am part of you as you are part of me. We share each other s thoughts.
 Don t fuck with me. I m in no mood. You made me look like a fool out
 Pardon me, ma petite. But you mustn t allow another man to touch you.
 One night of wild sex doesn t give you the right to interfere with my life.
The flushing of a commode in the stall behind Charlene and a strange
woman s voice brought her about.  You tell him, sister. Damn men. A dark
haired woman exited, pulling on her hiked dress, using her hands to smooth
down the wrinkles. The gal looked around expecting to see someone else or at
least Charlee on a cell phone. Then she smiled.  They can make you crazy can t
they? She slipped her hands beneath the faucet, activating the water.
 No shit, Charlee readily agreed.
 Yes, but being your lifemate does give me the right to interfere. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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