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She sighed and shifted too, then followed him. Gabriel brought up the rear, a short blade in his hands.
She nodded and took hers from the sheath at her ankle, careful to keep the edge away from Suriel.
 Are you certain this is the right place? Gabriel whispered to her.
She nodded.  Yes. I can feel it. She shivered as she trailed fingers along the cold cave wall.
Wickedness seeped up through the stones like water from a spring.  It s just ahead. I think.
Suriel stopped, hands outstretched. Ariel strained to see past him, but the dark was absolute.
 Where is it? she asked harshly, heart pounding in the silence.  Do you see the portal?
 God help us, Suriel murmured, and then a flash of crimson bathed the three of them.
Ariel cried out as a searing pain hit her between her breasts, but she had her blade up. She
would meet this evil fighting. Scales moved past her, too fast to see properly and she slashed
outward, sinking the sharp metal into hide. The creature squealed, a sound so desperate that Ariel
clapped her hands over her ears, losing her grip on her knife. Suriel pushed her back against the cool
stone of the cave and raised his arms. Light danced along his skin, silver-white, like stars on the tips
of his fingers. He threw pieces of energy at the demon, but it didn t seem to do any good.
 Ariel! Gabriel yelled, slashing at the demon with his blade.
 I m okay, she said, weakly, staring at Suriel. The energy in her body rose and she tried to do
what he did, but she couldn t. She was too weak. He d shifted again and his wings brushed along her
body like static electricity. It felt good. Almost too good. The energy welled up within her again, even
stronger now. Instinctively, she slipped her hands around Suriel s waist. He gasped, hissing when
Ariel s power slammed into him. She didn t let go. The energy had glued her hands to his waist.
 God, Ariel, he muttered, but he didn t lower his hands. He took the energy and shoved it at
the demon. Sparks danced along the black scales, like fireworks over darkened water. Gabriel
slashed again and again, seemingly inexhaustible.
 We need water, Suriel said, oddly.
Ariel had no idea what he was talking about.
 There s a spring, just behind us, Gabriel said, backing up.
The demon hissed and for the first time, Ariel could see its face. A serpent s tongue, glowing
with heat and ash slipped out from a face so wrong, she couldn t believe the creature was even alive,
let alone functional. Just as suddenly as she saw it, the demon twisted and disappeared. Ariel looked
around frantically. Where did it go?
 Come on, Suriel said, grabbing her arm. She stumbled, but he caught her. Her wings dragged
against the cave walls. It hurt.
When did my wings come out? she wondered, half-dazed. Everything was blurry.
 Come on, Suriel urged, dragging her faster.
Ariel curled her fingers into the waistband of his jeans and hung on. When he stopped abruptly,
she lurched into him. He caught her, cradling her against his bare chest. His heart thundered against
her cheek.
 What s wrong with her? Gabriel asked.
Ariel couldn t even focus on her brother s face.
 Blood loss, Suriel said in a clipped voice.
Blood loss? Ariel looked down. Just along her ribs was a cut, oozing blood and other things.
She swayed. When had that happened?
 Dear God, Gabriel said, shoving closer.
Suriel blocked him.  The demon s coming. If we live, we ll take care of her.
Ariel curled her fingers into fists, still hanging onto him. The strange energy roiled through her,
strong even through her daze.  Put me behind you, she said thickly. Why didn t the cut hurt?
 Here, Suriel said, propping her against the wall. She almost fell, but then Suriel put her hands
on his ass. She fought the urge to giggle hysterically and hunted for the waistband of his pants. Now is
definitely not the time to grope his gorgeous backside, she told herself fuzzily. When she found his
pants, she grabbed on again, dimly hoping she didn t pull them off. The last thing he needed was for
his junk to be swinging in the air in front of a demon. This time the urge to laugh was too much and a
gurgle slipped through her lips.
Suriel shot her a worried look.
She shook her head at him.  I m fine. Fine. Just beyond him, something moved in the dark.
 Behind you!
He whirled around. Gabriel was already battling the thing, with just his small knife.
 We need a sword, she muttered, feeding Suriel more energy. He slashed at the demon with
the energy, but it didn t seem to help.  A sword, she said louder.
Suriel didn t pause, so Ariel began to form the shape of it in her mind. When she was sure she [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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