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treatment here, to take care of problems like that. No . . . I seem to be too
different . . ."
Gweanvin started. "D-different? In what way?"
"Well, if there was enough light for you to see my nose, you might notice a
bony look, because "
She slipped close to him. "Let me feel it," she breathed.
"Why . . . sure! Go ahead," he laughed.
Her fingers found his nose in the dark, and explored its ridge. Solid bone was
underneath the skin! Just like her own nose! And Marvis Jans'!
"Oh, golly! Wow! Oh, golly!"
He laughed again. "My nose doesn't usually get such a flattering reaction.
What's so thrilling about it?"
"Your turn to feel my nose!" she giggled. As he did so she kept giggling.
"This beats everything! We search the files of the Commonality and the
Federation, cybernetically examine the genetic profiles of billions of people.
Then I land on Arbora of all places, and who walks up to my fire first thing!
Oh, Holm, this is a miracle! I've found you!"
Holm sat without moving or speaking for a long moment, apparently stunned.
Then he grunted, "Damned if you haven't!" and took her in his arms.
* * *
When Gweanvin woke the next morning Holm was gone, but his pack was still
there. She found some live embers in the ashes of the fire, and succeeded in
blowing some twigs into flame. Then she went down to the brook for an icy bath
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and was back at the fire warming herself when Holm returned. He was carrying a
rough-woven bag that Gweanvin hoped contained breakfast.
"Hi," she chirped. "Been hunting?"
"Yes," he grinned, kissing her tightly. "More than hunting, really. I left you
shortly after midnight. Did I
wake you?"
"No." She had felt him leaving, but had not come fully awake.
"I wanted to check on a cabin that's a couple of hours walk from here," he
explained. "I suppose it's been deserted for a century but it's in good
condition. We can use it unless you want to be closer to a settlement."
He took utensils from his pack, some large brown eggs from the sack he was
carrying, began working on breakfast.
"Holm, I can't stay," Gweanvin said softly.
He hesitated. "What's wrong?"
"An obligation. My job in the econo-war. I'm a spy-saboteur for the
Commonality. I have to go home to report on a matter that could be crucial to
keep the war in balance. Somehow I have to get my power pack recharged, and do
that. Then I can resign and come back."
Holm put the teapot on the fire and began cutting fat into a frying pan. "How
long will that take? A
couple of months?"
"More like three years, I'm afraid. You see, the critical part of my report
involves a technique that I've seen employed, and that I can do myself but
can't describe verbally. I'll have to show others how it's done, and some
special equipment will have to be built before I can do the demonstration.
That's what will take time."
After a moment, Holm nodded. "Okay, Gweanny, I won't give you any
argument except that I don't want you giving birth to a child of mine in the
"Don't worry," she giggled. "I'll wait till I get back for that."
"And you can't do anything until you're equipped to travel on foot through the
forest," he added. "You need a bow and training in how to use it to bring down
game. You need warm clothing. We should stay here at the cabin for at least
three days getting you prepared. Then you go to High Pines while I go to
Lopat. That's the fastest way we can find out if there's a recharger at either
settlement. We'll meet back here. Okay?"
"Fine. But there's one thing you should know, Holm. I'm sure I was pursued
into the Independency by at least one Lontastan agent."
He nodded. "Right. I'll keep my mouth shut about you but there's probably
nothing to worry about.
The people here won't cooperate with the Lontastans, of course. And Arbora
would be the last planet your pursuers would expect you to land on. Even then,
there are thousands of villages on Arbora, in all of which they would have to
make inquiries. I'd say they don't stand a chance of finding you until after
you're recharged."
"That's good to know," she said gratefully. But what pleased her most was his
assumption that there were several agents on her tail not just one female with
a big bust and bony nose. Above everything, she could not allow Marvis Jans
and Holm Ocanon to find out about each other. Thank goodness, the likelihood
of that was slight with Holm out of communication this way, playing his game
of self-sufficiency in the wilderness.
But even Marvis Jans' presence in the Independency was in itself more of a
risk than she was willing to accept. She resolved that when she resumed her
homeward journey she would make sure Marvis pursued her right out of the
* * *
The three days at the cabin passed swiftly and busily. She had much to learn
before undertaking a two-week trek alone . . . how to handle the bow Holm made
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for her, how to find edible vegetables in field and forest, how to quickly
build a shelter that would keep out most of the rain. She was a good student,
however, and often asked questions that gave Holm pause. Perhaps, she mused,
there was no such thing as a completely expert woodsman. Holm, who had lived
in the wild most of his adult life, seemingly had missed many points.
He was often away from the cabin for stretches of ten or more hours, ranging [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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