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She plopped down in her chair and dropped her breakfast on the desk. "I don t
really feel like talking anymore this morning."
Putting down his food, he leaned against the desk and stared down at her. "What
did Johnny do?"
Her gaze jumped to his. "How did you know?"
"He's the only person who gets under your skin like that." Dimitri steeled himself
for the worst. "Tell me, Benny."
She blinked rapidly, her dark eyes shimmering with tears. "He came home stinking
like booze and weed. We fought about the money he stole. He pulled out this envelope
that was stuffed with cash and started throwing hundred dollar bills at me."
"Did he say where he got the money?"
She shook her head. "He told me to mind my own business."
Dimitri doubted Johnny had said it that nicely. "I'll talk to him."
"No, it's done. I'm over it. If he wants to ruin his life, let him."
"You don't mean that." She could talk tough but he knew how much she loved her
brother. "You're not cold enough to turn your back on him. You have a big heart, Benny."
"A big, stupid heart," she grumbled. "He told me that he's already talked to a lawyer
about selling the building. He wants the money from the house, too."
Dimitri sat back in surprise. "Just like that? He made all these decisions without
talking to you?"
She nodded. "You know, if he'd come to me and talked to me about why he wants
to sell or why he needs the money, I would've been happy to find a way to restructure to
give him what he wants. But to do it this way? To threaten to take me to court? He's such
a monster."
He'd wanted to spare her all this heartache but it no longer seemed possible. "I'll call
Yuri and see what lawyer he recommends."
"Dimitri, you know I can't afford the types of lawyers he would recommend."
"Let me handle it."
"No. This is my mess. I'll clean it up."
"Benny." He said her name sternly and in a tone of voice he'd never used with her.
"We're partners now. I want to help you. Please don't fight me on this."
Her determined expression softened. She gave a tiny nod. Eventually, she admitted,
"I love that you're willing to help me, Dimitri. Really, I know how lucky I am. I just don't
want you to feel "
"Obligated?" he guessed.
"Yes. Obligated."
He leaned forward and put both hands on the arms of her chair, trapping her in
place. "I don't feel that way. I'm helping you because I want to help you. I'm helping you
because it makes me feel good to take care of you."
She drew a strange shape on his shirt. "When you put it like that& "
He grinned and pressed his mouth to hers. She relaxed under his slow, easy kiss.
The taste of hot chocolate and coffee tantalized his taste buds as he swept his tongue
against hers. Their foreheads touched. "Benny, don't ever hesitate to ask me for help. I'd
do anything for you."
She ran her hands up and down his arms. "I know."
He felt like they were finally making some headway. It was going to be an uphill
battle to get her to feel comfortable asking for his help but he was willing to fight it.
"Now, eat your breakfast so you can go to this food thing and dazzle everyone."
She groaned. "I don't know how the hell I'm supposed to get through this. The
business is imploding as we speak. My brother is probably dealing drugs or pimping out
prostitutes to make money. Somehow I'm supposed to plaster on a smile and gush about
my stupid pastries and cookies?"
A devilishly wicked idea took hold. He lowered his mouth until it teased across
hers. "I know how to put a smile on your pretty face."
With a quick shove, he pushed her chair back against the wall and dropped to his
knees. She gasped with surprise and tried to push his hands away from the hem of her
dress. Whispering hotly, she insisted, "Dimitri, we can't do that here! Someone will hear
Not easily deterred, he grinned up at her. "Then you'd better be very, very quiet."
He moved her skirt out of the way and grasped her panties. She squeezed her knees
together but he forced them apart. Even as she fought him, he could hear her breaths
growing shuddery and excited. With her panties thrown onto the desk behind him, he
made quick work of tucking her skirt up and pulling her sweet, plump ass to the edge of
the chair.
"No, Dimitri! Please, don't Oh!" She mewled like a kitten when he swiped her slit
with his tongue. "Oh!"
He chuckled and carefully parted the pink lips of her sex. Using his fingers to
outline her clit, he flicked his tongue over the juicy little bud and coaxed it out to play.
He sucked it between his lips and flicked it a few times before letting it loose and finding
the right rhythm.
Benny gripped the arm of her desk chair and clapped a hand over her mouth. She
muffled her own moans and whimpers as he ate her pussy. He couldn t get enough of
her. The nectar that flowed from her core beckoned him. His tongue dipped inside to
taste her, thrusting up into her like a small cock and making her squeal with delight.
Soon, her hand left the chair arm and she gripped handfuls of his hair. He didn't
mind the burning sting caused by her tugging fingers. He wanted to drive her crazy,
wanted to hear her come undone as he nibbled her clit and lapped at her pussy.
When she came, it was with a long, quiet moan. She had a hand pressed tightly to
her mouth, deadening the sound as it left her lips. The chair rocked, the wheels
squeaking as she jerked her hips and pressed her mound against his mouth. After she
sagged back against the chair, Dimitri continued to lap and flick at her. The aftershocks
left her trembling and panting.
Reluctantly, he finally pulled away from her. He plucked tissues from the box on
her desk and tidied her up a bit. She let him slide her panties back into place and fix her
skirt. Leaning back in her chair, she smiled, her silky pout curved wide and her eyes
bright. "I should sulk more often."
He laughed and caressed her bare legs. "Maybe you should hire me as your
She chortled with amusement. "I don t think we'd get much work done."
"You work too hard as it is." He pecked her cheek. "Come out with me tonight."
She started to accept but then shook her head. "I won't get done with this Tasting
Houston thing until mid-afternoon. I really need to go home and clean house and mow
the yard."
"Let me worry about your yard." He kissed her deeply because it was the easiest
way to get her to agree. "We'll go out and have fun. Yuri asked us to join him at Faze.
Ivan and Erin will be there. It will be nice."
She finally nodded. "All right. Let's go out tonight."
With their evening plans settled, he slid onto the desk and watched her eat
breakfast. What he finished in three bites and four long drinks took her much longer to
eat. When they emerged from her office, they got a couple of curious looks but no one
dared say anything. Benny's bright red ears and neck betrayed them, of course. One look
at her and anyone would know what they'd been up to in that office.
They shared a quick kiss before he wished her good luck and watched her drive
away in the bakery's delivery truck with Marco and Adam. He started back upstairs but
one of the dishwasher boys popped his head out the side door and stopped him.
"Yo, D!"
A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. "Yes?"
"Benny left her keys in her car, man. They're just hanging there in the ignition." The
kid, Carlos, gestured behind him. "I thought maybe you'd want to know since she's
already gone."
Dimitri frowned. "Thanks, Carlos."
"Anytime, man."
Carlos ducked back into the building but Dimitri took the long way around to the
parking area the employees used. He found Benny's car in its usual spot. Just as Carlos
said, the keys were dangling from the ignition and the doors were unlocked.
Shaking his head, Dimitri opened the door and reached in to grab the keys. This
wasn't the first time she'd done this. In the five years he'd known her, this had happened
at least a dozen times. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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