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Answer: My friends, the Spear of Longinus is the same spear of all magical pacts, the
same one with which St. George wounded the dragon.
There is no doubt that this holy lance, this spear of Achilles, is the marvellous emblem of
the sexual energy with which we can incinerate, burn, destroy radically the diverse parts
of the myself, of the ego, of the psychological  I .
Question: Venerable Master, what do the rebel angels allegorize?
Answer: Friends, it is said that Michael fought against the dragon and his rebel angels as
we have to do against our inner Lucifer and the psychic aggregates; it has to do with
internal, secret, terrible and very painful struggles.
Each of us should transform himself then into a Michael, incessantly fighting against the
dragon and his fatal hosts.
Yes There Is Hell, Evil, Karma Samael Aun Weor
My friends, gathered here this evening in this house, let us today study the Law of the
Eternal Return of all things.
At the hour of death there always arrives the angel of death at the bedside. There is a
legion of these and all of them work in accordance with the great law.
Three things go to the pantheon or cemetery: First, the physical corpse; second, the vital
body (the latter escapes from the physical body with the last exhalation), such a vehicle
floats before the sepulcher and slowly decays as the physical body disintegrates; third, the
ex-personality. The latter can sometimes escape from the tomb and ambulate around the
cemetery or bead for some places that it is familiar with.
There is no doubt that the ex-personality slowly dissolves with time; there does not exist
any tomorrow for the personality of the dead person; the former in itself is perish
That which continues, that which does not go to the sepulcher is the ego, the myself, the
very self.
Death in itself is a subtraction of fractions; once the mathematical operation is over, there
only remain values.
Obviously, the sums of these values attract and repel each other in accordance with the
law of universal magnetism; they float in the atmosphere of the world.
Eternity opens its fangs to swallow the ego and then it expels it, it throws it out, it gives it
back to time.
We have been told that in the precise instant of death, in the moment when the dead
person exhales his last breath, he projects an electro-psychic design of his personality;
such a design continues in the suprasensible regions of nature and later, comes to saturate
the fecundated egg; in this manner on returning, on coming back, on reincorporating
ourselves into a new physical body, we come to possess personal characteristics very
similar to those of the previous life.
That which continues after death, is not then, something very beautiful. That which is not
destroyed with the physical body, is nothing more than a bunch of devils, of psychic
aggregates, of defects; the only decent thing that exists at the bottom of all cave-like
entities that constitute ego is the essence, the psyche, that which we have of soul
Upon returning to a new physical vehicle, the law of karma enters into action, since there
does not exist effect without a cause, nor cause without an effect.
The angels of life are in charge of connecting the silver cord with the fertilizing
zoosperm. Unquestionably, many millions of sperm escape in the instant of copulation,
but only one of them has sufficient power so as to penetrate the ovum to carry out
This force of a very special type is not a product of perhaps or of chance; what happens is
that it is propelled from within its intimate energetism, by the angel of life, which in such
instants carry out the connection of the essence that returns.
Biologists know very well that the masculine and feminine gametes each carry 24
chromosomes; when these are added together the sum total is 48, which comes to
constitute the germinal cell.
Yes There Is Hell, Evil, Karma Samael Aun Weor
This matter of 48 chromosomes comes to remind us of the 48 laws that govern the
physical body.
The essence comes to then be connected with the germinal cell through the silver cord
and since this cell divides into two and the two into four and the four into eight and so on
successively in the process of fetal gestation it is clear that the sexual energy immediately
becomes the basic agent of such a cellular multiplication; this means that in no way can
the phenomenon of mitosis be carried out without the presence of the creative energy.
The disembodied one, he who prepares to take up a new physical body does not penetrate
the fetus, he only comes to reincorporate himself in the instant in which the creature is
born, in the precise moment in which the creatures take his first breath.
It is very interesting that with the last breath of the dying person comes the disincarnation
and that with the first breath the new organism reincorporates itself. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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