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Paul leaned back as far as he could and took her wrists in one of his hands. He lifted
them above her head, and, with his free hand, skimmed the thin cotton shirt up over her
head. Kate s eyes widened a little, her lips parting to catch her breath.
 Too much? Paul asked.
After an instant s hesitation, Kate shook her head.  No. Too much for you?
 Yes. He stared at her, still holding her wrists. He wanted to keep her motionless,
touch her everywhere, make her twist and scream and writhe. This was Kate, his Kate,
under his hand, under his body, her eyes blinking too quickly, her breath coming too fast.
He laid one finger against her captured wrist, and slowly, slowly, dragged the tip down
the exposed inside of her arm.
Kate sucked in a sharp breath. Her eyes locked on his.
His finger swirled in the crook of her elbow, moved into the hollow of her underarm.
Her body squirmed just a little, but her eyes stayed steady, challenging him.
His finger stopped when it met the lacy top of her bra. He couldn t keep his eyes
away. He had to look down and marvel at the sight of his fingertip brushing slowly along
the lace, over the rise of her left breast, down into the valley between them. He watched
the outline of her nipple swell against the white cotton cup.
With a sound that wasn t entirely human, he fell on her, grinding his mouth against
hers, his body against hers.
Suddenly she winced and groaned in pain, not pleasure. He jerked back.
 The bruises, she whispered.
Paul looked down. His knee had abraded into the tender blue spots above her ribs.
 Oh, I m sorry. I ll be& 
Kate rolled her head and reached for him.  I don t care. She rose up from the seat,
arching her body against him.  I don t care.
He knew she wasn t just talking about the pain.
One hand tangled in his hair, asking for more kisses. The other began fumbling with
the buttons of his shirt. The sensation captivated him, the way her hands were shaking.
Then she caught his lower lip in her teeth, demanding his attention there. He braced his
hands on the seat and touched her only with his mouth. She used two hands on the
buttons of his shirt, pulling it loose from his belt. He felt the brush of her fingers on his
stomach, felt the muscles contract, felt his hips push against her. He couldn t stop it.
She flicked the last button and pushed the shirt open on his chest. She lifted her body
and he lowered his. Skin on skin. His nerves flared. His skin melted. He couldn t tell
where she began and he ended. He kissed her and it was like falling into water, like
drowning. Her fingers began to ease the tongue of his belt from the buckle, and he lifted
his hips, pressing his erection against her hand, desperate to be touched, to be loved
Her cell phone rang.
 No! The sound ripped from her.
The insistent buzzing cleared Paul s brain. What was he doing? He couldn t do this.
 Throw the damn thing out the window. Kate s hands ran up his stomach, his chest,
to cup his face in a plea.  Please.
He tried to make his heart slow, his breath come normally. He shook his head, leaned
over her body her sweet, willing, loving body to feel around for the squalling little
device in her purse.
He felt her arms fall to her sides, felt the whisper of air against his shoulder as she
sighed.  If it s not my stocking, it s my hair. If it s not my hair, it s the car breaking
down. If it s not the car breaking down, the world is about to be smashed by a meteor.
Paul leaned his back against the dash, and handed her the cell phone.
She took it, flipped it open.  Kate Scott. Her voice was still hoarse. The passion
drained abruptly from her face, and she scooted up straight in the seat.  Ellie? She
listened, her brows drawing down into a frown.  Hold on, hold on. You re not at the
hospital? When did you leave? A pause.  I was probably out of range. I m sorry, I m so
sorry. Kate s voice talked over the voice in the cell phone.  It s okay, Ellie. It will be
okay. It s your choice. I told you that, and I ll back you. Another pause. Unconsciously, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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