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contacting them.
Ice looked away from her, bent down, tore off his boot and dropped it loudly to the
floor. The second one followed.  You were mentioned.
 Are they still demanding you kill me?
He straightened and reached for the waist of his shirt, pulled it off and dropped it.
 They were displeased when I informed them that your threat level had been changed
to zero and that I had decided to keep you in my quarters. They argued with me over
my reasoning.
 Are they going to send someone after me to try to kill me since you and the crew
won t do it?
Ice refused to meet her eyes.  I had to make a few compromises on that issue.
Her heart nearly stopped as she pushed off the bed and walked to him. She put her
hand on his bare chest and reached up, cupping his cheek with her other one.  Look at
He turned his head, staring down at her, and his arm wrapped around her waist.  I
negotiated, Megan.
 With what?
He took a deep breath.  As long as you are human you pose a threat to them that
they are not willing to dismiss.
Laurann Dohner
 Well, I am human and we can t change that.
He said nothing, watching her. Megan knew the color slowly drained from her face.
 No. She shook her head.  Don t tell me you re going to let some doctor screw
with me, Ice. I like my body just the way it is and the idea of someone tampering with
my brain just doesn t sit well with me.
A quick grin flashed.  No, baby. No doctors cutting you up and making you part
She relaxed.  Okay. So then what?
He hesitated so long she knew whatever he had to say had to be something
horrible. He finally took another deep breath.  I told them you were an expert on the
Markus Models and that we d join the Star for the meeting so that you could help us
deal with them. I convinced them that without you it would be too dangerous.
She was grateful his arm supported her because her knees nearly buckled. Her
mouth opened but nothing came out. Mute and horrified, she stared at him, gaping.
 I am aware this may distress you, he acknowledged softly, watching her eyes
closely.  I had to agree to that or turn you over to the council to exterminate. I refuse to
allow anyone to kill you. You did work with the Markus Models. You know more about
them than anyone else and it made you a valuable asset to the council. They canceled
the order for your death.
 Distress me? She clutched his arms, gripping him as if he were a lifeline.  They
terrify me, Ice. I told you that. If I never am near another one again, it would be too
soon. They are dangerous.
 The council decided to talk to them so the meeting has been arranged.
Her heart pounded.
 There is more. Ice studied her closely, staring down at her.  The council wasn t
sure of your motives or if they could trust you so I told them I d form a family unit with
you. That will make you a cyborg by marriage association and they will believe you
have loyalty to me at the very least, enough for them to somewhat trust you to not harm
me, which translates to you not putting them at risk.
Her knees were nonexistent at that moment from the astonishment rolling through
her but Ice held her up when they buckled. She remained silent for long seconds, her
mind trying to wrap around what he d said. Words finally came to her.
 I m not the marrying kind, she admitted, finally finding her voice.  And then
there s that whole you re not the marrying kind either.
He winced, literally, and looked away.  I realize the concept is not ideal.
 Not ideal? She gasped.  Shit, Ice. We can t get married because they twisted your
arm. He s going to hate me, she thought, regret filling her. If only he wanted me that way
for the right reasons, I d jump for joy. Pain lanced through her chest.
 They will send cyborgs to my ship to take you from me otherwise and kill you.
His hold on her tightened as his full attention fixed on her.  The Markus Models may
Touching Ice
be dangerous but your life is already in peril. Going to this meeting and forming a
family unit with me would be preferable to death, wouldn t it?
She hesitated, terror gripping her over her memories of the hours she d spent with
those horrible things and watched as anger hardened Ice s features. He released her and
stepped back.
 So be it. You d obviously rather die than form a family unit with me. He snarled
the words.
 Now wait a minute. Megan reached out, grabbed the waist of his pants, and kept
him from turning away.  I m in shock and this isn t about us. I m terrified of those
things. That s what has me in knots.
His body relaxed.  I won t allow them to hurt you, Megan. I d defend you against
my own people so do you believe for a second that I d just allow one of them to harm
 Who s going to protect you? She frowned at him.
That question obviously stunned him.  You doubt my fighting skills and strength?
I m cyborg, Megan. I m stronger and faster than your human males.
She hesitated, biting her lower lip, and then released it.  Don t take this the wrong
way, she warned softly.  But you re&  She shut up, not able to say it aloud.
 I m what? He stepped forward, his hands gripped her hips as he pulled her
against him, their bodies flush against each other.  What am I?
Megan had to clear her throat of the lump that formed there.  They appear human
but they aren t. You re&  She hesitated.
 I m what? His voice deepened.
 Oh hell, she sighed, holding onto his arms.  You re outdated technology, Ice.
You re sexy, hot, muscular, and kick ass but these Markus Models, they are advanced
technology, cutting edge, and in a fight I think you d lose. I don t doubt how strong you
are or how good of a fighter but these things are& really bad news.
Ice s eyebrows shot up.
 They heal really fast, she said quickly.  Within minutes. It s that new
rejuvenating artificial skin they have. They don t have bones, they have lightweight
metals, and they are shielded. You shoot one of them in the head, which would [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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