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Isabella gasped.  You do not know? You are not simply a wolf, but also sidhe.
I frowned.  What s that?
She smiled.  The humans call them fairies, I believe.
I stared at her in shock.  Fairies? Like, wings and magical powers, fairies?
She nodded her head.  Yes. Your mother is a very powerful sidhe warrior. I knew when I
saw your eyes who you were and I knew I had to have you.
I glared at her.  Why would you want me? You re a woman.
She laughed again, making me think of nefarious things. Vampires voice powers are no
joke in real life.  I do not want you for children, silly girl, but for your powers. You are going to
help me take over this pathetic planet and push the wolves back to their proper place of
I stared at her in shock.  Does Maurice know what you are doing?
She waved her hand dismissively at me.  Do not worry about the King. Francois here
will be working with you on your powers. As soon as you have gained them, we will move to the
next step.
The second vampire brought in the man who had attacked me and threw him down on the
ground between Isabella and me. I snarled at him and she smiled.  You seem displeased with this
I nodded my head.  He tried to rape me.
She hissed.  I gave them specific instructions not to harm you. She stood up and picked
the man up off of the floor. I stared in shock at her strength, as she easily held him with one
hand, and stared into his eyes.  Did you harm her?
The man whimpered.  Please beautiful Queen, do not kill me.
She frowned.  Your lack of denial is an omission. She stood him up and smiled. I felt
her power pulsating against him and groaned. She ran her fingertip along the man s cheek.  You
disobeyed me wolf. The man smiled happily, as though she called him her favorite pet name.
She kissed his cheek then leaned his head back. I watched in horror as her fangs extended and
she plunged them into his neck. He stayed still as she drank from him. I put my hand over my
mouth to keep from vomiting and forced myself to watch. The man s eyes grew dimmer and
dimmer until, with one last suck, the light disappeared from his eyes. I gasped as she let his body
ago and it crumpled lifeless to the floor.  Clean that up, please Francois. She turned back to me
and smiled, showing her bloody fangs.  Consider that retribution for the stress and pain he
caused you. Now I must leave, but you must work hard and focus on your powers. She started
to walk away and I cleared my throat.
She turned around and frowned at me. I asked,  What if I refuse to help?
She laughed making me think of nefarious things.  That is not an option. You will help
me or you die. It s as simple as that, mon cheri. Adieu.
I watched her retreating back and felt hopeless. How could I have powers besides my
werewolf ones? Could I really be a fairy? I looked over my back and frowned. No wings. The
second vampire took the dead man s body out of the house. Francois smiled at me.  You should
eat Artemis.
I glared at him, but walked over to the table no longer able to resist my hunger. I ate the
food quickly, then folded my arms on the table.  What if I don t have powers?
Francois frowned.  Then you will die. For now let s think positive thoughts.
I scoffed.  Positive? Like I might escape and get to watch Victor tear you into pieces?
Francois sighed.  I know you do not understand about my kind, but we have no choice
but to do as our maker tells us. I am sorry, but we must begin your training. He sat across the
table from me and frowned.  Put your palms face up and focus on them. You should be able to
put energy in your palms and make fire.
 Fire in my hands? I asked doubtfully.
He nodded his head.  You should be able to make fireballs.
I smiled and then frowned. Why didn t I get to learn the cool stuff when I was with Ares?
I stared at my palms and pictured a flame. I clenched my eyes tight and wished for warmth or
fire to my hands. I sat still for a few minutes, but nothing happened. I exhaled and looked at
Francois.  Nothing s happening.
He nodded his head.  Perhaps fire is not your element. I was beginning to hate hearing
French accents. He tapped his chin thoughtfully.  Try picturing the ocean and see if you can
make a water ball.
I raised an eyebrow.  A water ball? How is that useful?
He sighed.  Just do it! I frowned at him, but focused on my hands. Then minutes later, I
groaned. He frowned in thought.  Hmm& maybe too much has happened today. Perhaps you
should go to bed and try again tomorrow.
I sighed.  Great. I walked up the stairs and then stopped at the top.  Uh, where s my
bedroom? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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