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of sighting their quarry. Local roads were combed outward to the major highways,
which were followed from Braemar. Reporters on the road used mobile phones to
call in the registration numbers of the suspect vehicles  a task made much more
difficult by the wintry darkness descending over the north. The number plates were
swiftly checked against the police register of names and addresses for possible live
Thus, of the many vehicles that instantly fell prey to the media pack, almost all were
just as rapidly eliminated from further investigation. Three however, were not so
easily dismissed; because of reportorial  hunches or the inability to obtain a
number-plate match, these were singled out for special consideration. The first, a red
Rolls-Royce near Banchory on the Aberdeen road, drew the greatest attention; but
two others, a late-model brown Lexus, and a black Jaguar sedan  both sighted on
the A93 north of Perth and the Spittal of Glenshee respectively  were also live
When the Roller stopped for petrol in Aboyne, and the occupants were revealed as a
retired banker by the name of Figgis and his wife and mother-in-law, the chase
concentrated on the two remaining suspects.
Meanwhile, in the news studios of the major networks, newsreaders and
commentators, who had been breaking into regularly scheduled programs almost
hourly since noon to announce the latest wrinkle in the swiftly evolving story, now
joined their colleagues in the field and asked them to describe what was happening at
Blair Morven. They were told about the two automobiles even now making their way
towards Braemar, and airborne cameras provided murky infrared images of cars on
the highway.
As the clock ticked down to six o clock the BBC went on the air with live pictures in
split screen of the two vehicles, and asked the question: could one of these cars
contain the next King of Great Britain? If so, which one?
News presenter, the  highly respected Jonathan Trent, informed an intensely
fascinated nation that any moment they would be bringing live coverage of the
historic announcement as it happened by way of their crews on location. He then
went directly to Kevin Clark, who had been flown back from Madeira some days
earlier, asking him to describe the situation at Blair Morven.
 Thank you, Jonathan, said a frozen Kevin, his breath puffing in the cold northern
air.  The atmosphere here could not be more keenly anticipatory. As you can see
behind me, the television and radio crews of every major news organization in the
country are here, and we are eagerly awaiting the arrival of the new King.
 What a truly amazing day this has been! This revelation could not have been better
timed or organized to garner maximum attention. Our own crew has been
instrumental in  
The screen switched back to the studio, and Jonathan Trent said,  We ll come back
to you in a moment, Kevin, but it has just been confirmed that one of the two
vehicles currently under investigation  the brown Lexus& yes, that is confirmed
 the Lexus has turned off the road at Bridge of Cally and is currently heading
towards Pitlochry. That leaves the Jaguar, which is now just outside Braemar. The
screen showed the fuzzy grayish infrared picture of the top of a dark car moving
along a dark road.  It would appear that the next King of Britain is nearing his
Jonathan came back onscreen then, and said,  While we are waiting, we will go now
to Gina Thompson for this special report.
The screen switched to an office, and the camera zoomed in on a desk on which had
been spread several pieces of paper. The silky voice of Gina Thompson announced,
 At twelve o clock sharp this afternoon, an envelope containing these documents
was delivered to the office of the King of Arms, at the College of Arms in London.
Identical parcels were simultaneously delivered to, at last count, two hundred and
fifty-four other news agencies and offices in the capital and throughout Great Britain.
Each parcel contained documents identifying this man  the screen shifted to a
close-up photograph of a young officer in military uniform   by the name of
James Stuart, as the next reigning King of Britain. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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