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imagine anyone else up besides those of us required to greet the dawn with a yoga mat on the
hillside. Someone had watched me the night before, probably while I was watching Mitchell swim,
or looking in his room. Someone in the time travel party. This was not good.
As I dropped the wrapper in the garbage, I noticed something scribbled on the inside with
black marker. With shaking hands, I smoothed it flat and read,  Private eyes are watchin you.
They see your every move. Below the writing was a picture of two crossed eyes, each forming
the letter  O , and a  B before, so it said  Boo! A happy little warning, especially with the long
lashes on the eyes. Was I being teased, or threatened?
I wasn t sure I wanted to know.
* * * *
By the time we d traipsed back from our yoga practice, most of the other guests had already
disappeared for the day.
Breakfast at the Feng Shui Inn was a quiet affair. Usually I d stop by the dining room and
load a plate with fruit, maybe some oatmeal, then go on to my room and eat alone. Lonnie and the
ladies always went directly to their rooms. I wasn t sure whether they dined together later or not.
Nor did I care. For myself, I enjoyed the quiet time with all my senses humming, my circulation
improved from the yoga.
Today it did not seem like I d be calmly reflecting over breakfast. Indeed, my thoughts had
raced since I d left my room. Poor yogi had been frustrated. I was usually his best pupil, but could
barely concentrate enough to keep up with him.
It hadn t helped having Mitchell right beside me the entire class, waiting to look me in the
eye every time I glanced his way. I really had no idea what to do about him anymore. On the ride
back to the Inn, one thing had come clear to me: our every exchange ended with me running from
him. From teaching third graders about nature, I knew predators love to chase their prey. If I kept
running, I was sure to be chased. Time for me to mix up this game and be the aggressor, maybe.
This lovely morning was the perfect opportunity. We went into the dining room at the same
time. The way I figured, if I sat down to eat at the table, he could hardly fill his plate and leave me
sitting there alone. And if he sat down first, I d join him as if I had no choice.
 Join me for breakfast? he asked, and nearly sent me running.
20 Trouble Under Venus
So much for becoming the aggressor!
Swallowing the sudden urge to retreat, I pasted on a smile, feeling like I had at my first job
interview.  Sure.
Once seated across the table from him, I couldn t help but gawk at the huge platter of food
he d taken. Calories out had to be calories in first. It must take a lot of food to fuel his exercise
regimen and all that muscle mass. But I needed to keep my mind off those muscles for now,
concentrate on discovering the truth behind the lies he d been telling.
 So, I said, picking at a slice of watermelon,  you probably hear this all the time, but I really
love volcanoes. Geology is my favorite science segment to teach. The kids really love them too.
 Yeah? he answered.  Third grade, that s what you teach, right? Now that was made public
in the press conference. But he hadn t fooled me by changing the topic to me.
I d change it right back.  So which volcano is your favorite?
 Favorite? Oh, I think I like them all the same. You know, just another day at the office.
 I suppose, I replied.  Still, I can t help being partial to Mt. St. Helens because she took us
all by surprise, erupting sideways like that. And then there s Kilauea, constantly building, growing,
creating. You ve gotta love her constancy.
 Yeah. Mitchell seemed intent on his food, but behind his glasses, his eyes were moving
a lot.
 I d love to be able to see lava when it s hot. Like at Kilauea, where it rolls out so peacefully
all the time. When does it become lava, exactly? What s the other name for it, you know, before
the eruption?
He swallowed hard, then shoved most of a muffin into his mouth.
The answer was magma and he didn t know it. How long should I let him sweat it out? In
class, I d never let a student squirm this long. Unless the little shit came to school claiming to be
an expert!
He pushed his glasses up and looked anywhere but at me. Like the kid in class who does not
want to be called on and avoids meeting my eye.
 Magma, I relented, snapping my fingers.  That s it. It s magma in the earth and lava
 Yeah. That s what I was gonna say. I mean, I wasn t sure what you were asking. You re,
uh, pretty knowledgeable for an amateur.
I wanted to tell him he was pretty clueless for an expert. The smart remark sat on the tip of [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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