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of contact between them was as painful for her as it was for him.
Slowly he walked back to his spilled bag of groceries, taking his time putting the
items back in the bag, struggling to get control of his body. It would be difficult enough
to walk away from this woman without his rock-hard erection making itself annoyingly
obvious to the world in general, and Wren in particular.
He had to get control of himself. She was an experienced woman. She might not
look much older than a teenager, but her every move, every look, said she knew just
about everything there was to know about how men reacted to her body. She d notice
his physical response and he d feel like a bigger fool than he did already.
 I m sorry, I didn t know you had groceries, Wren said, her voice wavering a bit as
she began to back away from him.  You should get home with those, wouldn t want
your yogurt to go bad.
 I don t eat yogurt, Austin said, standing up with his bag and staring back at
Wren, feeling strangely forlorn. How could a woman look so unbelievably sexy in jeans
and a t-shirt? And how could he leave her with that abandoned look in her eyes?
 Right, yogurt isn t very manly is it? she said, her words teasing, but her eyes full
of more pain than he d seen in a long time. She looked scared and alone, or maybe just
scared of being alone. He knew the feeling. He sure as hell didn t want to be alone right
now, didn t want to be anywhere but with Wren, by her side, in her body, held in her
 No, it isn t, Austin replied, fighting the urge to go to her, to follow her wherever
she wanted to lead him or to invite her back to his place to help him unpack the
groceries, water his houseplants, iron his goddamned underpants, anything to get her
to stay with him.
 See you around, she whispered, giving Austin a tiny glimpse of the tears that
once again filled her eyes before spinning on her heel and starting to jog away down the
street. He watched as the jog turned into a run and then a full-blown sprint. The woman
was running from him as if she were fleeing for her life.
Are you just going to let her go? Like that? She s clearly devastated. What kind of man are
 Not that kind, Austin said aloud to himself, dropping his groceries and racing off
after Wren without taking the time to wonder where that strange voice in his head had
come from. Right now, he had more important things to worry about, like what the hell
he was going to do with Wren once he caught her.
Anna J. Evans
Chapter Five
Stupid, stupid, stupid, Wren mentally chanted to herself as her feet flew along the
sidewalk, her breath rasping in and out of her chest as tears flowed freely down her
She d almost let her guard down, had almost thought she could have one night
with Austin. It had just been too much of a coincidence that his was the first face she d
seen when she came to. Of all the people who could have seen her pass out on the
street, it had been him, the only one she d have wanted to catch her.
And the reaction when they had touched had blown her away, the attraction
literally knocking her off her feet. In three hundred years, not a single man had ever
made her feel that off balance, that consumed by physical need. She had thought it was
a sign, a sign that it might be okay to let herself live out the fantasy of holding him,
touching him, feeling his naked body move against hers.
Even now, running down the street, feeling as if her world had crumbled around
her and her heart was breaking, her body still came alive at the thought of him. Her
pussy started to throb and her thighs grew slick with moisture as her body prepared to
take every bit of his thickness inside her. She d seen the way he d responded to her,
he d been hard in seconds, as ready as she was to take each other right there on the
sidewalk. They were perfect for each other, she just knew it. She knew that his touch
would banish the despair that had slowly been creeping into her mind, his cock would
fill up every aching, empty part of her, and maybe even fuck away a little of the
coldness that had taken up residence in her heart. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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