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acted as a probe to test our defenses or are they simply toying with us? Sherem mulled
through invasion and attack strategies and none of the scenarios he employed fit their
current situation.
 Why waste valuable forces for scare tactics? It s wasteful and puts us on our
guard. If they were sent to deplete our warriors in preparation for the main attack, they
miscalculated because we lost ten with thirty injured while they forfeited over a
hundred and still counting. The clean-up crews are not yet finished. Though blazer
technology had advanced to allow for body disintegration, Nefari warriors fought with
daggers and swords when in close quarters. Numbers of downed and deceased allowed
them to accurately define enemy defenses, plot future strategies, and evaluate their own
warrior effectiveness. Most evaded blazer technology entirely, in favor of the traditional
Nefari broad swords that reflected blazer rays and stabbed to kill or disable. Their
training and fluid grace enabled them to dodge any beam or projectile and return it with
deadly accuracy.
 Could they be unaware you are Nefari and testing your battle-readiness? Nadia
 No, all in the galaxy know the Portender and what that entails, Dakar answered.
 Speaking of the Portender, where is the captain, shouldn t he be here? Nadia
carefully avoided Sherem s gaze and queried Dakar.
 The only ones I trust with your life are in this room, misulu, Sherem answered
for Dakar in an effort to make her face him. Unsuccessfully.  Until we determine ally
from enemy; that is how it will remain. Jorge has captained the Portender for six years
and trained with me at our academy before that, but you are too precious to lose by
misjudgment. I will not endanger you when it is not essential. Sherem noticed color
suffuse her cheeks; he d embarrassed her by his blunt talk. His gaze bore into hers
willing her to understand the feelings he could not put into words.
 The most bizarre aspect of the battle is that the enemy seemed to kill more of
their own soldiers than ours. They had no friendly fire guards on their weapons and
seemed more anxious to fire at anything that moved, rather than determine the antagonist.
Almost as if they were caught in a blood lust.
Bran broke into Sherem s thoughts.  I was in the lab when autopsies for the
prisoners and combatants were analyzed. The prisoners died of a powerful hallucinogen
with trace amounts of Assyllis and every combatant tested was high on it. Most likely a
derivative of Angels Gate. The possibility we discussed earlier linking Jasper and Angels
Gate to the attempts on your life, the framing of Dakar, and the kidnappings are growing
stronger by the moment.
 Yes, you are right but there are still missing pieces to our puzzle. Sherem
nodded to Bran. He looked up to see Nadia focusing her attention on him and Bran and
realized that if she hadn t already discerned the telepathic bond between them, it would
not be long.
 Your pardon? Dakar asked, warily focusing first on Nadia and then Bran.  Did
I miss something, perhaps?
Sherem shot a furtive look at Nadia before addressing Dakar.  Sorry, I was
thinking of the results from the enemy autopsies I received just before you arrived, he
Lil Gibson
improvised.  It seems traitor and intruder alike had one common bond; they all had high
quantities of a drug in their system, possibly Angels Gate in combination with another. It
would explain much, their feelings of invincibility and inhibitions in killing all in their
path. Even the taking of their own lives. Sherem took a deep breath.  Dakar, he
ventured tentatively,  Bran and I believe that all the incidents including the attack today
have a direct correlation to Angels Gate and the percentage of Assyllis it contains and
just possibly the attempts on my life, framing you.
Dakar coughed.  You and Bran? What does he do, nod, slobber, or scratch
behind his ear depending on the hypothesis?
 No, Nadia interjected,  they are telepathically linked. She directed an
accusing glare at Bran.  Yours is the voice I ve been hearing in my head, is it not,
Bran hung his head.  I apologize for misleading you, one who belongs to
Sherem, the fewer who understand my powers, the safer for all concerned.
 Is this a joke? You can talk to the animals, now? Have you completely lost your
mind? I know it was hard on both of us when we were estranged but I didn t start
communing with the clouds, talking to the tulips, or convening with canines.
 It is true, Dakar. Bran just mind-spoke to me and I have been picking up idle,
she cleared her throat,  thoughts from him. I just didn t know where they were coming
from until now.
 Why did you not tell me, Sherem? Accusation blending with hurt in her
darkened swirling eyes as she finally met his gaze.  I would have kept your
 I am sorry, misulu, the fewer people aware of Bran s powers, the stronger [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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