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not going to leave?"
"Nope. I keep telling you there's nothing for me to go back to." Josh was still holding on, too. "Now that
I got work through the winter, there's no reason to leave."
"Awesome." Now, there was an understatement. Freeman kissed Josh and then did it again.
"Awesome." He didn't seem to be able to say much else.
Josh laughed and nodded. "Bob's got an old clunker he's willing to sell me -- take the money out of my
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wages a bit every week so I can get there and back. He's good people."
"He is." Freeman's hands ran down Josh's back to his ass. "You're staying." Freeman seemed to be a
little fixated. "Getting a car. Or a truck? And staying."
"Truck. 'Bout a million years old, but she runs.Things'll be tight, but..." Josh shrugged, his gaze meeting
Freeman's, a warmth in them.
"It's always tight 'round here. We make it work." Freeman couldn't look away. "I can throw some time
your way, especially if John takes off for Halifax early this year. I'll need help until the boat comes out of
the water."
"Yeah? Bob's doing morning feedings, I could go out with you."
"That would be good. We'd have to fish, though." Freeman grinned as he teased. "Leave the making out
for after. When the deck's all gross. Whole other thing out there when there's work to do."
"Mostly too cold to be making out on the water, anyway. Gotta wait to come back here." Josh was
looking at his lips now, like mentioning makingout put Josh⬠"!s mind to it.
"Uh-huh." Freeman nodded slowly. "Where it's warm and private." He couldn't help it -- with Josh
looking at him like that, he felt like his mouth was actually tingling. "It's private here now. If you were
"What about supper?"
"It'll keep." Freeman glanced at the salad on the counter. "There's steak for grilling. In the fridge. I mean,
the steak is in the fridge, not the grilling. Um." God, he hated it when he got so worked up that he didn't
make sense.
Josh helped him out by pushing their mouths together, shutting him right up.
Well, that settled that, and just the way Freeman had been hoping. He tugged Josh closer easily and
kissed him eagerly; he'd have to make sure to kick the door closed as they went past it, assuming this
was going to get even better.
Josh was staying.
Freeman moaned and held Josh tighter to him, almost clinging. That was a very, very good thing.
After dinner found them doing the dishes, him washing, Josh drying. He kept feeling Josh's eyes on him,
but when he'd look up,Josh'd be looking at the dish he was toweling. After the third or fourth time that
happened Freeman didn't look away, but waited for Josh to do it again. "Ha! Caught you." He bumped
his hip into Josh's and grinned. "What's up?"
Josh went about four shades of red and shook his head. "Nothin'."
Freeman tilted his head and watched the color get even darker on Josh's cheeks. "It doesn't look like
nothing. Is something bothering you, honey?" Oh, God. Maybe Josh was staying but he wasn't staying
with Freeman. That would suck.
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"No." Josh picked up the last dish from the rack, dried it and put it away. He nodded at the sink. "You
gonna finish?"
"Uh-huh." Freeman swished his hand in the sink and came out with one fork. That appeared to be it. So
he washed the fork and thought and eventually passed it over. "Youfeelin ' shy about something?"
Because maybe that'd make Josh turn purple, if it wasn't something bad.
Sure enough, Josh's face went a few shades darker. He dried and put away the fork, carefully hung the
dishtowel on the stove handle to dry. "Isn'tnothin '." Josh shoved his hands in his pockets.
Freeman looked. Freeman took in the hard on and the blush, and Freeman had an epiphany. "You don't
gotta use words to ask," he said softly. "Can just... let me know what you want. In other ways, maybe."
Josh shrugged and glanced up at him, want heavy in Josh's eyes. "I..."
Freeman nodded, hoping to encourage Josh. Like there was anythingJosh'd ask for that Freeman would
say no to. "You want something." He took Josh's hand and started moving them slowly out of the
kitchen. Maybe leaning on a counter wasn't the best place to talk about stuff like this.
They⬠"!d opened the door for the breeze again just before eating so he made sure to close and lock it,
too, while Josh tried to come up with words.
"Was just wondering 'bout some stuff."
Wow, a whole string of words, they were getting somewhere.
"Okay." Freeman took Josh into the bedroom and turned on the stereo, keeping the volume way down
low. "I wonder stuff all the time. What are you wondering about?" He sat on the bed and held Josh's
hand. He really kind of wanted to just kiss Josh senseless, but talking was important. Especially when it
was about something Josh wanted.
Josh squeezed his hand and opened his mouth, closed it again. "What you did," he finally mumbled.
Freeman waited but there didn't seem to be much more. "What I did." He nodded and thought and
waited, and when he thought he might have figured it out his cock went harder than ever. The semi he'd
had since they⬠"!d finished supper went full and stiff and he hope to hell he was on the right track. He
hadn't tried again because Josh hadn't said, and he sure as hell didn't want to piss Josh off, and now he
was babbling in his head. "You mean...?" He took a breath and lifted one hand for maybe all of a second
and a half.
Josh met his eyes briefly and gave a quick nod.
Freeman made himself be good and not simply roll Josh onto the bed and ravish him. That wouldn't get
either of them what they wanted, at least not for half an hour or so. "You wanna do that again?" he asked
hopefully, trying not to assume too much.
"If you wanna."
Freeman nodded so fast he thought he might have just blown his cool. "Yes. Uh-huh. Want." Wanted
more than that, but he wasn't going to push. "And sometime in the next year or so or whenever you let [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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