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present. I sighed and nudged Kit who turned to me and stroked his hand over the scales
between my eyes. I shifted and was once again naked and dripping wet. Kit took one
look at me and snapped his fingers and I found myself clothed in something so shocking I
nearly strangled him.
The dress was a two piece. The top a zip up corset made of black leather with a
golden zipper. It cinched in my waist and shoved my breasts up my chest. The thing
ended a mere half inch above my nipples and I was certain if I bent forward they would
spill over the top. The skirt was also black, of some gauzy material that was basically see
through. It was form fitted from just above my pelvic region to the floor with a slit up
my right side that went all the way from the floor to the top of the skirt. The only thing
holding it together was a golden buckle at my hip. It left revealed a good two inches of
skin all the way from my waist down my side to the floor. And that was while I was
standing still. I could only imagine what would happen were I to take a long stride.
Kit had provided me black silk stockings which ended mid thigh with lacy elastic
garters and spiked satrapy heels. The knife Gareth and Jace had given me was attached
to my thigh and poked through the gap in the skirt like some kind of body jewelry. I had
on long gloves, also black, and my neck was as bare as it could be. He d piled half my
curls upon my head while the other half trailed down my nearly bare back. I felt the
familiar weight of a crown of some sort. Long black diamond earrings brushed my naked
shoulders and he d changed my bracelet to match. It went without saying& he d
neglected to provide me underwear.
By Kelly Armenta Copyright © 2007
DRAGON Envy 368
I closed my eyes briefly then reached for Gareth and kissed him as if to wash
away the vision of that other woman so close to him. Had he wanted to take me there in
the middle of the room, I would have let him. So excited did his kisses make me. When
he released me, his eyes were whirling. He stepped back and Jace ran his hands up my
body and buried them in my hair just before he pulled me against him and proceeded to
send my pulses skyward. I know it was naughty of me, but I cracked open my red door
and fanned my lust at him making sure it gently spread across the room. He growled and
shoved his hips against me.
Gareth placed himself behind me so that I could feel his erection pressing against
my bottom though the thin material. I pulled my mouth from Jace who lowered his lips
to my neck and shoulder. My head dropped back against Gareth and his lips nipped at
my jaw and neck. Neither of them had spoken except for one shout each since I d
arrived. But words were not necessary just then. We stood that way for several silent
moments until I lifted my head and turned to the Council.
 Now where were we? I asked and flicked my eyes to the dark haired Vampire
whom I d elevated to the roll of head Council member. He looked dazed and shook his
head while my eyes flicked to the other Council members. None of them looked like
they knew what had hit them and when I glanced around the room it was pretty much the
same. A couple of the guards looked like a strong breeze would knock them over while
the rest of them just looked& hungry. I looked them over thoroughly smiling when a
couple of them met my eyes. One of them went so far as to brush his hand down the
front of himself so that my eyes followed the movement to the bulge in his pants.
Another unclasped his hands and moved them to his back and it wasn t hard to tell his
One of the men eyed me angrily and my eyes widened till I realized he was
standing over the body of the Were I d bit and flung across the room.
 Is he breathing? I asked and watched as the Were s blue eyes narrowed. I
wasn t certain he was going to answer but he finally nodded. I moved suddenly, causing
Jace and Gareth to release me. Gareth followed me as I held my dress down and moved
By Kelly Armenta Copyright © 2007
DRAGON Envy 369
quickly toward the man who bared his teeth at me and looked like him might attack.  I
wouldn t advise it. I warned him bluntly.
 Do not touch him. The man who was nearly as big as Nick growled.
 I would heal him if you would get out of my way. You prolong his suffering
with your foolishness. I informed him while his eyes narrowed and he glanced at Gareth
over my shoulder.
 Move back so she may help him.
 Why would she want to help him? The Were demanded.  She tried to kill
 I was merely defending myself. I informed him calmly.  Please move. He
stared down at me then finally stepped back and I knelt and winced at the damage I d
caused.  I am sorry. I whispered and placed my palms upon his shoulder and lifted his
shirt so I could be in contact with the skin at his waist. I pushed the healing into him and
felt the rebound of a broken back and damaged internal organs and swayed. Gareth s
hands on my shoulders steadied me and I stared down into wary hazel eyes.  How do
you feel? I asked and dropped my lower shield releasing the rest of the rebound.
Across the room several Vampires made strangled noises.
 Fine. He replied and sat up on his elbows slowly. My eyes moved to his friend
who glanced between us and looked, uncertain.  I apologize for attacking you Your
Majesty. He replied cautiously. My being so close to him was obviously making him
 Whom do you guard little wolf? I asked curiously and watched as his eyes
flicked toward Valentine across the room and I remembered to raise my lower shield.
 Mr. Loveless, the Master. He replied and I placed a knee upon the floor and
gave him a once over with my eyes. He was well made, strong and likely over six feet
when he stood. His body was well muscled& with dark auburn hair and freckles. He
reminded me of Marcus and I had to wonder& .
 What is your name?
 Sean. He replied.
By Kelly Armenta Copyright © 2007
DRAGON Envy 370
 Well Sean, you are very brave and quite bold. I like that in a man. I informed
him and he nearly flinched and I felt compassion fill me.  How long have you been in
your current job? I asked my tone matter of fact and as non threatening as I could make
His eyes burned with a near hatred for a second and then he blinked and
muttered.  Three years. His eyes dropped to somewhere around my cleavage but I
doubted he was actually seeing what was displayed there.
 Three years can be a lifetime. I informed him softly and he raised his eyes to
me with a touch of resentment.  Tell me Sean, if you had the chance would you be
interested in a career change? He stared at me and looked uncertain.  Come now. I
leaned forward and told him softly.  I have stood naked before you. Tell me you did not
notice the difference? He nodded slowly but did not respond and I considered him for a
moment more before smiling slyly.  I commend your bravery and would like to give you
something in appreciation if you will but allow me? I will not hurt you. I told him
while he eyed me nervously. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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