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something? I drove you here.
 Oh. Right. Well, Captain, go get dressed and take me home.
She smiled at him and he headed for the bedroom. Her heart missed a beat as she
thought about his underwear. The pair hidden in her coat pocket. What if he asked her
about it?
 Babe, he said as he walked to the door in his jeans and sweater. Damndest thing. I
must ve kicked my hearts shorts under the bed. Sorry I took so long but I had to get
another pair to put on. He laughed and put on his socks and shoes.
 Yes, that is funny. Melissa forced a laugh and hoped he d forget about them
* * * * *
 So, all set for Saturday night? Gina confronted Nancy and Melissa during their
lunch break the next day.
Strip Poker for Two
 Sure. And Allan s even a gentleman in bed. Big hands to match an equally
marvelously enormous penis. Nancy sighed and a look of contentment covered her
 Hey. No stories yet. Melissa winked at her.  But I m glad you two still aren t
virgin daters.
 Hell, no. We fixed that last night and he worships me in or out of bed. She
frowned. Maybe I could get to like this lady treatment and forget my wild and crazy
cravings from before. I could train him, you know. Gradually get him to try something
new to spice up our fucking.
Gina rolled her eyes up in disapproval.  Can t you just enjoy normal sex? Sounds
like that s what he wants.
Nancy pondered her question.  Maybe. I don t know for sure. She dropped back
into her chair.  It s weird, but when I m with him, I don t want to share him with
anyone else. Not even to screw in public and have others watch.
Melissa put down her sandwich and wiped her mouth with her napkin.  You re
getting older. Changing. Thinking long-term affair.
 Me? Nancy bolted upright and rested her arms on the table.  Is that what I
 Could be, honey. Sounds that way to us, Gina added.
 What about you and Adam? Get him into bed yet? Melissa asked.
A flush covered Gina s face.  Good Lord. I never knew how much a man could
please me. Tony was nothing compared to Adam. The man always thinks of my
pleasure first. Asks lots of questions about what I want, is he satisfying me enough.
She inhaled deeply and let out a sigh.  If I knew a younger man would be this pliable,
I d have divorced Tony years ago and hunted for one.
All three laughed. Melissa continued to finish her lunch as the other two stared at
 Well? Still enjoying Dimples? Nancy questioned.
Melissa swallowed and mentioned,  Yes. We re good friends. He told me so.
Anyway, he ll be gone until your party, she nodded to Gina,  so I won t see him until
Saturday. She took a sip of her iced tea.
 Friends? Isn t there more going on? Gina asked.
To avoid any prolonged explanation, Melissa waved for their waitress so she could
bring them their bill.  Seems we haven t figured that out yet, she answered with a
heavy heart.
* * * * *
Melissa dropped her coat and bag on her sofa, peering at the fireplace. Not long ago
she d sat before its blazing heat with Jason. Everywhere she looked something
April Ash
reminded her of him. She strolled into her bedroom, inhaling deeply. She hadn t
changed the sheets since they d made love and swore his scent still remained in the air.
On her dresser lay his hearts underwear, her entry for the contest. She picked it up
and rubbed the silky material along her cheek. Oh, yes. It smelled of Jason s all-male
The phone rang and startled her. She picked it up and plopped down onto her bed.
 Hello, dear. I just wanted to check up on you.
Her mother s voice warmed her soul. Melissa glanced at Jason s shorts still being
dangled in her other hand and she quickly put them behind her.
 Mom. I m fine. How about you guys?
 We re fine and you re not. I can tell just by listening to you. What s wrong?
Yep. Her mother always could when she was troubled.  It s Dimples. Jason. She
flopped backward onto the bed.  I don t know what to do. She let out an exaggerated
 Are you still anti-military? I thought we discussed this last time.
Melissa threw one arm across her forehead.  I m not anti-military. Oh, I don t
know. I want him. He seems to want me and 
 He s loved you for a long time, Melissa.
 Huh? How would you know?
 I have a confession. Gina s mother told me. We always talk and she s told me all
about him. I never mentioned anything to you because I didn t know if you d ever be
anywhere together.
 Mom. You should ve told me last time we talked. Shit, she swore into the phone,
 why is he making this so difficult?
 I love you but don t swear. Now. Do you love him? Simple answer. Yes or no.
Leave it to her mother to get down to business.
The admission came spontaneously. No thinking was involved. Her heart told her
brain what to say. No debating took place. She did love him.
 You re confusing me then. What exactly is the problem if you love each other?
 He hasn t told me. And I haven t told him. And now he s gone for three days
 So tell him when he gets back. Melissa. Love travels. You can be in love and make
it work in Virginia. D.C. Alaska. Somewhere overseas. Just be honest with each other.
Honesty. Melissa groaned as she remembered the shorts she d stolen and plans to
use his note to win the contest.  You don t think it ll be  outta sight, outta mind ?
Her mother laughed.  After all these years of hearing how he loved you it s more
like  absence makes the heart grow fonder . Or were you referring to you and how you
Strip Poker for Two
 No, mom. I love him and miss him even though he just left today. Isn t it crazy
though? We ve only started seeing each other a few days. That can t be enough time to
really know if you re in love, can it? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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