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Xylox's tone had cooled noticeably, and his expression was dark.
"I can't seem to get rid of her, Questor Xylox, Grimm replied, on the
defensive.  It's a long story."
"Tordun, Crest, kindly go and watch over the girl while I have a quiet word
with my esteemed fellow mage. Xylox's tone of voice was low and dangerous,
indicating anything other than admiration for his younger colleague.
The warriors shuffled off, and Grimm could see a cool smile of amusement on
Crest's face as he walked away.
"Questor Grimm, Xylox hissed.  Is this some kind of pleasure trip, a jamboree
for all-comers? His eyes were narrowed and angry. Before Grimm could defend
himself, the senior mage answered his own rhetorical question.  It is not. It
is a solemn, sober expedition for the good of the Guild we both serve. How
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dare you discuss details of a Guild Quest in full sight of a Secular
"I made sure she would not hear any of my discussion with Crest, came the
weak reply. Grimm felt as if he was on the receiving end of one of Magemaster
Crohn's verbal assaults, and just as insecure as he had felt on such
occasions. He switched to the starchiest Mage Speech, almost as a form of
"The woman-child is free now. She chooses to stay with me rather than to take
her chances in a town where she is known as a thief. I make no claim upon the
girl, but I cannot stop her. I have warned her of the potential risks of the
Quest without giving any details of its aim, but she is undeterred. I would
also remind you, Questor Xylox, that the valorous Crest is a skilled thief as
well as a warrior."
"You cannot stop her? Xylox's tone was scornful, disbelieving.  Here is a
Guild Mage, a Questor whom our esteemed Lord Dominie, in his wisdom, has seen
fit to honour by accession to the Fifth Rank of our order, and yet such a
powerful thaumaturge cannot stop an adolescent female urchin from following
The senior mage's scornful tenor indicated that, had he been the Lord Dominie,
Grimm would have been censured rather than promoted.
"Questor Xylox, I could have blasted the girl into a million fragments or
turned her into a mindless zombie, had I so wished. However, it was I who drew
the attention of the town watchmen by remonstrating at her attempted theft of
my money-pouch, an act of desperation prompted by poverty and the indifference
of the townspeople of Griven towards the plight of the needy. I therefore felt
considerable guilt at the prospect of the girl being sold, like prime
livestock, to the highest bidder. I feel no shame at this. Having purchased
her freedom, I felt I could not ignore her heartfelt plea for a better life
or, at least, a different one."
"Guilt? Shame? Feelings? Such vague and emotional motives should not be part
of the lexicon of a full Guild Mage! Have you forgotten your solemn Oath?
Xylox's voice trembled with rage, but Grimm felt his own ire rising within him
like hot, acidic bile, and he looked his senior directly in the eye.
Humility, be damned!
Xylox's talk of the Guild Oath brought thoughts of Grimm's disgraced
grandfather Loras Afelnor, the hated Oathbreaker. The young mage had sworn to
redeem his family name, and he would let no man call him traitor.
"I am a Guild Mage, Questor Xylox, and I have sworn a blood oath to uphold the
principles of the Guild, just as you have; an oath I will never forget or
betray. But I have not surrendered my humanity, nor will I ever do so; not for
you, not for my revered Magemaster, Crohn, not for the Lord Dominie. I have
killed, and I will doubtless kill again some day, perhaps far sooner than I
would wish; but I swear on my life and my soul that I will never snuff out the
life of a human just in order to remove some trifling inconvenience. I will
not push or bully another human being just because I can do so with ease. A
Questor is supposed to be a paragon amongst mages; a gentleman, a scholar, a
weapon of the Guild to be directed towards only its vilest enemies."
Grimm raised his voice almost to a shout.  Are you trying to tell me that this
insecure, helpless young girl is a worthy target for such a weapon? If so, I
invite you to vent your wrath upon her; know, however, that if you do so, you
will earn nothing but my rankest contempt, Xylox the Mighty. You will deserve
nothing more."
Grimm now straightened up to his full height, forcing the senior mage to look
upwards in order to meet the younger Questor's censorious gaze. Long moments
passed as the each magic-user attempted to stare down the other to no avail;
each possessed willpower beyond the comprehension of most mortals. Finally
Xylox spoke, but his voice was not one of surrender or conciliation.
"Very well, Questor Grimm, he said.  You will have your way for one last
time. As senior mage, I rebuke you for your weakness, and you may be sure that
I will include this censure in my report to Lord Prelate Thorn on our return.
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However, I have decided to allow this ... this street creature to accompany
us, as long as she does not pose a threat to the potential success of our
Quest. I make this decision because I feel it is bad for discipline to
override the decision of another Mage Questor in the face of mere Seculars.
"As a last remark, I will declare that I regard you as quite unfit to hold the
staff and the ring. I will tell Lord Thorn as much when I return to the House,
and I will recommend that you never be sent on another Quest for as long as [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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