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they have been taken up by the roots, from the soil,
increase the quantity.
and absorbed into the plant and fruit.
Here are the types of juices which can be used,
KITCHEN EQUIPMENT TO USE Stainless and always in 8-oz. servings: Apple and carrot /
steel, glass, enamel, earthenware, cast iron, and tin- green leaf / orange / grape / grapefruit / tomato /
ware is acceptable. apple. Never place Lugol s solution in green leaf
Use the Norwalk juicer or two other machines juice.
which do the same task: a grinder (triturator) which How fresh must the juice be? Some Gerson
grinds the vegetables and fruit, and a press (prefer- sources say it can be stored in the refrigerator in
ably stainless steel) which presses juice from the pint jars for three days. However, for terminal cases
ground pulp. (A detailed list of sources will be found which are being treated, the situation is far differ-
later under Gerson Supply Sources.) ent:
 We often find that patients are helped by per-
sons who have to leave the house to go to work at a
use pressure cookers or steam cookers, aluminum
certain time and, therefore, prepare most of the
pots or pans. Avoid anything else made of alumi-
day s juice supply in advance and the evening sup-
ply upon their return home. This renders the juices
Do not use a centrifugal juicer (the kind which
largely ineffective, for the following reasons:
whirl in a circle, throwing the juice outward). Do
 (1) Juices consist of living matter with active
not use one-piece juicers such as liquifiers, centri-
ferments, fast neutralizing oxidizing enzymes,
fuges, juice mixers, or juice masters. These cause which are most necessary for the sick body.
the juice to be oxidized, and render it unfit for the
 (2) The body needs an equilibrium of active
remedial treatment of cancer. (But centrifugal juic- oxidizing enzymes, supplied throughout the day.
These cannot be maintained active except by freshly
ers are permitted by Gerson Institute for non-can-
pressed juices, given at hourly intervals.  Max
cerous conditions.)
Gerson, A Cancer Therapy, p. 216.
 They had to drink orange juice, grapefruit juice,
 Q. Can too much vegetable juice cause alkalin-
and apple and carrot juice. This had to be pro-
ity? A. No.  Max Gerson, A Cancer Therapy, p.
duced in a special machine a grinder and a sepa-
rate press because I found that in centrifugal juic-
ers or liquefiers, I couldn t obtain the kind of juice
which cured patients.  Max Gerson, A Cancer
JUICE Use apples and carrots in equal portions.
Therapy, pp. 405-406.
Wash apples, without peeling them. Cut and remove
 At first, I had thought that liquefiers would be
core with seeds. Wash carrots, but do not scrape
the most wonderful thing. All the material was there,
nothing was lost. But it didn t work. Then I found
Then run them through a grinder and, after that,
out through a physicist that in the liquefier, in the
through the press. (More information on how to
center, there is positive electricity and in the fluid
there is negative electricity. This electricity kills the make carrot juice, using a Norwalk juicer, is given
oxidizing enzymes. And that is also true for the
on page 25.)
centrifugal juicer and the other apparatus. The juice
If the patient has to go back to work, apple and
must therefore be made by a grinder and a sepa-
carrot juice only may be taken and kept in a ther-
rate press if possible, made of stainless steel. 
mos no longer than 2 to 3 hours (when the juice
Op. cit., p. 406.
cannot be kept in a refrigerator).
 Centrifugal machines in which air has insuffi-
Certain types of apples juice better and produce
cient access to the grinding process, cannot be used.
better results:
When the grinding wheel rotates against a resis-
 Tart applies (McIntosh, pippin, Granny Smith,
tance with insufficient access of air, positive elec-
winesap, etc.) [should be] used for juices when pos-
tricity is produced and induces negative electricity
sible, rather than  delicious apples.  Norman
on the surrounding wall. The exchange of the posi-
Fritz, 3rd ed., A Cancer Therapy, p. 218.
tive and negative electricity kills the oxidizing en-
zymes and renders the juice deficient.  Max
cloths, and cutter first (If
NORWALK INSTRUCTIONS 7 - Turn folded cloth upside
work rapidly, can clean any-
down: Flip back and over
thing first)
SUPPLIES  (Flip front edge up and
1 - Remove pusher, rinse
In addition to Norwalk equip- back)
rather quickly in COOL
ment: 2 or 3 1 qt pyrex cups
water, dry it immediately
(1 for pulp and 1-2 for juice [if
(Do not leave it in water!)
not working rapidly at mul-
2 - Empty, rinse cloths, then
tiple duties, will only need 2
put in hot (not boiling)
cups, total]), baking tray to
water, add little soap,
lay cloths in, carrot tray, wet
place cloths in and let
rag or two for spills, washed
soak for 30-60 minutes
vegetables (assuming here
3 - Then clean machine parts
only carrots), juice jars, 2 zip-
1 - Remove parts:
lock bags
" Always press two cloths at a
" Remove juice tray, feed
time (not 1 or 3)
pan, grid holder, and grid
ASSEMBLY (pp 6-8)  " Lay cloths in center of press
" Loosen wing nuts and
1 - Install and arrange everything base (on bottom press plate),
remove housing
" Install grid on top and push never to the side (or base
" Remove cutter by grasp-
to back of grid slide plate will jam tight to top)
ing firmly with cloth
2 - Plug in / Turn on switch 8 - Place folded cloth on press
2 - Clean parts (p. 21) with
base ( press plate ).
hot water and soap
PULPING  " Pour second cupful into second
" Clean cutter first, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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